In this micro-site, you can consult maps or other visual support material and find information on the feasibility and features of all projects included in the Operational Programme “Road Axis, Ports and Urban Development”.
If you wish to have a look at the various projects under construction, click on one of keys right below the map of Greece. The project in question shall appear immediately on the screen. You can zoom on the map using the cursor at the “navigation” window, in order to have a closer look in a particular region or project. You can move the “navigation” window, so as it does not interfere with your visual contact with the map. All the projects on the map are clickable, so that you can get more information.
Furthermore, you can retrieve various geographic information, i.e. main Greek cities, airports and administrative limits of the regions as well as trans-European networks leading to neighbouring countries. We hope that this service will help you understand how large is the impact of the projects included in the OP-RAPUD for the future of Greece.