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Complementary Programming

TheComplementary Programmingof the Operational ProgrammeROAD AXES, PORTS AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT” (RAPUD) of the Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, has been drawn up pursuant to article 18, paragraph 3 of EU General Regulation 1260/1999, aiming at thoroughly presenting the basic contents of the approved Operational Programme with detailed reference and information on Measures, financial data and charts for each Measure, as well as indicators for forecasting results and performance of proposed actions at the end of the programmed period and also in-between.

In particular,
the Complementary Programming includes complete data on the contents of each Measure of the Programme, expected results and implementation impact, funding, final beneficiaries, eligible actions, not to mention the measures needed for publicity of programmed actions and the electronic data exchange of funding and financial data concerning the projects and the latter’s implementation progress.

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